Pharma Focus Asia


Harnessing data and real-time action for better healthcare

Preetha Vasanji, President-Emerging Markets, Doceree

Positive progression of clinical trials in the Asia-Pacific region over the last decade (contributing almost 50 per cent of new clinical trial activities globally) has turned the region into a hotspot for clinical research. While the region leverages its vast population as the ultimate power tool, it also faces challenges owing to the huge geographical, socio-economic and cultural differences in the population. To streamline the industry and continue with strengthened efforts, the first step is to create a patient recruitment ecosystem that is driven by data, and runs on real time action, thereby giving strong impetus to not just the number of clinical trials but also the cost of it.

The past five years have seen the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region emerge as a global hub for clinical trials, attracting pharmaceutical companies, research organisations, and healthcare professionals from around the world. With a diverse population, access to cutting-edge medical facilities, and a growing emphasis on healthcare innovation, APAC countries have become key players in the development of new drugs and therapies. Out of 27,000 clinical trials initiated in the year 2021, nearly half of them were done in multiple areas of the APAC region. One of the most significant advancements in this arena is the utilisation of real-time data in clinical trials. This article explores the impact of real-time data on clinical trials in the Asia-Pacific region and how it is revolutionising the way healthcare is delivered and research is conducted, accelerating the drug development process, enhancing patient outcomes, and reshaping the future of healthcare.

Before delving into the method of shaping the future of clinical trials, it is imperative to understand the current APAC landscape, importance of clinical research and trials in the region, emergence and transformation in trials, and
the factors driving the change.

Understanding the APAC hub

Clinical trials in the region are particularly significant for several reasons. APAC is home to a diverse population with varying genetic backgrounds and healthcare needs. This diversity makes it both ideal and a challenging location for conducting clinical trials, as results can be more representative of global diverse populations. With a growing middleclass population and increasing healthcare expenditure, countries also offer pharmaceutical companies access to untapped markets. Clinical trials conducted in the region can help companies understand the unique healthcare needs and preferences of these populations.

Even when compared to the United States and Europe, APAC has a larger urban population and an increasing number of trial sites, which is a key indicator of a region's potential for growth. The density of trial sites in APAC is 3.1 per million urbanised population, which is significantly higher than the next lowest density in Europe, 22.2 per million. This indicates that APAC has a great deal of potential to offer to sponsors looking to benefit from growth.

Furthermore, conducting clinical trials in APAC is often more costeffective compared to western countries, which can be a significant advantage for pharmaceutical companies looking to optimise their research budgets. Many countries in the region have historically been supportive of biotech research and development, with incentives such as rebates offered in Australia and ongoing investment from the Chinese government in biotech development. Hence, despite the current global economic and industry uncertainty, APAC is expected to remain a promising and resilient market.

Evolving Landscape of Clinical Trials

Historically, clinical trials in the region (and globally) have followed a rigid and sequential process. Researchers design a protocol, recruit participants, collect data over an extended period, and analyse the results after the trial concludes. This approach, while being scientifically rigorous, is slow and expensive. Moreover, it does not always reflect real-world patient experiences or account for the dynamic nature of diseases and treatments.

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the digitalisation and modernisation of healthcare systems, web-based solutions have enabled clinical trials to become decentralised or virtual across the globe, providing access to patients that were previously unavailable. The use of advanced technologies has allowed for continued trial participation, storage and data collection during difficult times. In Asia-Pacific (APAC) alone, the number of decentralised Phase I trials increased by 60 per cent from 2017 to 2022, in comparison to the global average of 10 per cent-20 per cent. Additionally, APAC had the highest prevalence of In-Home Devices for Clinical Trials in 2022 of any region.

However, looking at the global landscape, the fact remains that the interlinked industry can fail any time with minimal imbalance in its ideal setup. This calls for more agile and resilient structures than ever before. Hence, it has become imperative that investors and sponsors take a more dynamic approach towards predicting and planning trials, and building strong structures backed by data and technology, to protect against regional or global natural or man-made disruptions, more appropriately.

Advantages of Real-time Data and Action

Traditionally, clinical trials relied on periodic data collection and analysis, which could be time-consuming and result in delays in decision-making and patient care. Real-time data collection and analysis have transformed the landscape of clinical trials. It allows researchers and healthcare professionals to make informed decisions quickly and respond to emerging trends or safety concerns promptly.

Real-time data also allows for continuous monitoring of patient responses and adverse events, enabling early intervention if safety concerns arise. This proactive approach is particularly crucial in clinical trials involving vulnerable populations or experimental treatments. Italso improves the collection of individual patient data, enabling the development of personalised treatment plans, which is particularly important in the era of precision medicine, where therapies are tailored to a patient's unique genetic makeup and characteristics.

Real-time data collection and analysis streamline various aspects of clinical trials. Researchers can quickly identify patient recruitment challenges, protocol deviations, or data inconsistencies and address them promptly. This leads to faster trial completion and reduced costs, especially in the APAC that homes a huge and diverse population. Advances in technology have also enabled remote monitoring of clinical trial participants through which patients can provide data from the comfort of their homes, reducing the need for frequent clinic visits and improving overall trial participation rates.

Furthermore, the entry for live data reduces the risk of transcription errors and data discrepancies, thereby enhancing data quality. Electronic data capture systems, coupled with immediate data validation, ensure data accuracy and integrity, which is vital for regulatory submissions and decision-making. Timely data capture and analysis also facilitate compliance with regulatory requirements. Sponsors can maintain rigorous documentation and submit necessary reports promptly, reducing the risk of regulatory delays.

Real-time data also empowers researchers to adopt adaptive trial designs. By assessing fast accumulating data, they can modify trial protocols, treatment arms, or sample sizes in response to emerging trends, increasing the likelihood of trial success. Lastly, the real-world evidence gathered during data-driven trials provides insights into a treatment's effectiveness across diverse patient populations and settings like in the APAC region, enhancing the generalisability of trial results.

Role of Data in Clinical Trials

Data is the lifeblood of modern clinical trials. It provides insights into patient demographics, disease characteristics, treatment outcomes, and safety profiles. The use of data in clinical trials can be categorised into several key areas:

Patient recruitment: Traditional recruitment methods rely on site-based strategies and can be slow and inefficient. Data-driven approaches use electronic health records (EHRs), patient registries, and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to identify potential participants more quickly and accurately.

Trial design: Data analytics can help optimise trial design by identifying the most relevant endpoints, patient populations, and treatment arms. This ensures that trials are more likely to yield meaningful results.

Real-world evidence: Beyond the controlled environment of clinical trials, real-world data (RWD) from sources such as wearables, mobile apps, and telemedicine can provide valuable insights into how treatments perform in the real world. This can complement traditional clinical trial data.

Safety monitoring: Continuous monitoring of patient data, including adverse events and lab results, allows for early detection of safety concerns, enabling rapid response and intervention when necessary.

Endpoint assessment: Digital biomarkers, such as patient-reported outcomes collected through mobile apps, can provide real-time data on treatment efficacy and patient experiences.

Real-Time Action in Clinical Trials: Realtime action refers to the use of data as it is generated to make informed decisions during a clinical trial. This approach contrasts with traditional methods, where decisions are typically made retrospectively.

Power of Real-time Action

Like real-time data, real-time action has also had a demonstrated history of bringing efficiencies in the clinical trial process. Here are some ways in which real-time action is transforming clinical trials in the region with huge and diverse population:

Adaptive trial design: Adaptive clinical trials allow for real-time adjustments to various trial parameters, such as sample size, treatment arms, and patient inclusion criteria. This flexibility can lead to faster, more efficient trials and better outcomes for patients.

Early stopping rules: Real-time data analysis can trigger early stopping of a trial if it becomes evident that one treatment arm is significantly superior or inferior to another. This not only saves time and resources but also ensures ethical treatment of participants.

Dose optimisation: For trials involving dose-finding, real-time data analysis can help identify the optimal dose more quickly, leading to better treatment outcomes and reduced patient exposure to ineffective or toxic doses.

Patient-centricity: Real-time data collection and analysis enable a patientcentric approach, where the patient's needs, preferences, and safety are continually monitored and considered throughout the trial.

The various technologies and innovations driving the adoption of realtime data in clinical trials in the region are electronic health records (EHRs), wearable devices such as fitness trackers and smartwatches, mobile apps, telemedicine platforms and platforms using Blockchain Technology, etc.

Challenges and Considerations

While the use of data and real-time action in clinical trials holds great promise, it also comes with several challenges and considerations. We know that the accuracy and reliability of data are paramount when it comes to clinical research. Ensuring data quality, especially in the context of real-world data sources, can be a significant challenge. Furthermore, integrating data from various sources, such as EHRs, wearables, and apps, can be technically challenging due to differences in data formats and systems.

Another major challenge is safeguarding patient data. Collecting and using patient data raises ethical and privacy concerns. Robust data security and informed consent procedures are essential. Even the researchers and organisations must implement robust data security measures to safeguard sensitive information.

Countries in the region have varying regulatory requirements, and navigating this complex landscape can be another big challenge. While regulatory bodies like the FDA are adapting to these new approaches, there is still uncertainty and variation in regulatory requirements for data-driven trials.

Implementing data-driven clinical trials requires significant investments in technology infrastructure, analytics expertise, and staff training. While the region has many developing and underdeveloped countries, infrastructure and resources availability also poses huge challenges at times. Access to reliable internet connectivity and technology infrastructure can vary across the Asia-Pacific region. Ensuring that all trial participants have access to the necessary technology can be a logistical challenge. Further, standardising data collection methods and formats is crucial for effective real-time data analysis and comparison across trials. Establishing common data standards can be a complex task.

To conclude, real-time data in clinical trials is revolutionising healthcare in the region. It offers the potential to accelerate drug development, improve patient care, and enhance the efficiency of clinical research. As technology continues to advance and regulatory frameworks evolve, the Asia-Pacific region is poised to play an even more significant role in shaping the future of healthcare through real-time data  in clinical trials. By overcoming challenges and embracing innovations, stakeholders in the region can continue to drive progress in medical research and patient care.

--Issue 53--

Author Bio

Preetha Vasanji

Preetha Vasanji is part of the senior management team at Doceree, working as President – Emerging Markets. She has over two decades of experience in the Healthcare Communications and Marketing space. In her illustrious career, she has had the experience of working with multiple multinational and home-grown organisations. Prior to joining Doceree in 2021, Preetha served as Sr. Vice President and General Manager-McCann Health, Mumbai where she was responsible for leading a team of 30+ people, driving the company's growth and managing its business. Preetha takes pride in being a specialist in managing business and people.

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