Pharma Focus Asia

Previous Issue - Issue 41


Issue 41 | 2020

  • Foreword
  • Strategy
  • Research & Development
  • Clinical Trials
  • Manufacturing
  • Expert Talk
  • Advertorials
  • Go to Digital Magazine

Issue 41



Virtual Clinical Trials

The new normal?

Across the world one thing that has been a hot topic since the pandemic started is the arrival of a COVID vaccine COVID led several pharma companies to pursue vaccine production with aggressive deadlines and a sense of urgency in developing and bringing to market


Nanotechnology to Combat Covid-19

Rapid viral outbreaks have caused great inconvenience to mankind especially since the last decade The latest addition to the list is severe acute respiratoryrelated coronavirus SARSCoV or more commonly COVID Figure As of September this virus has a spread over countries around the world affected people and caused deaths Nanotechnology and nan...

Pharma Trade Terms in Asia-Pacific

Time for a reset!

Trade terms represent a growing investment and cost item for most Pharma companies globally In AsiaPacific APAC price pressures from limited healthcare budgets and preference to generics under universal coverage have led to additional challenges widening gross to net investments made by Pharma In our surveys from last year per cent of Pharma execu...

The Swiss Chees Strategy

By copying the aviation industry, you can make sure your marketing strategy will fly

As you look at your newlywritten marketing plan you might want to reflect for a moment how much it resembles an airliner it took a lot of effort to build you want to be as sure as you can be that it will fly and not crash but once it takes off it is difficult to repair The biggest difference between a marketing strategy and an airliner is that whil...

Health Canada New Validation Rules (Version 5.0)

For eCTD and non-eCTD Submissions

Health Canada is the Agency responsible for the wellbeing of the Canadians by ensuring highquality health services and minimising the health risks Regulatory submissions for Health Canada can be done in both electronic Common Technical Document eCTD and nonelectronic Common Technical Document noneCTD formats


EU Pharma's strategic imperative

Vietnam is the European Unions EU second largest trading partner in ASEAN and close to per cent of EU exports to Vietnam are pharma products For various midtosmall sized EU pharma players Vietnam has remained an alliance or a distributor led market With increase in demand positive economic prospects increase in per capita healthcare spending and t...


Solving the toughest water and process challenges

Im originally from Belgium and I studied to be a chemical engineer with a specialisation in biochemistry and biotechnology When I started out it was my goal to get into the biochemistry or biotechnology industry as a plant director but when I graduated from university my first job was teaching chemistry biology and math Teaching was a very good exp...

Challenges and Solutions in HCP ELISA Development

The importance of reliable Host Cell Protein (HCP) monitoring during manufacturing of biopharmaceutical drugs

Biopharmaceutical drugs make up a large portion of global pharma sales with of the top global drug blockbusters in being recombinant biopharmaceuticals Drug development is separable into five phases

Research & Development

Formulating Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation for Practitioners

A technology-based health service

Transplantation is a compelling need in India and one that has few and very pricey providers mismatching the necessity The frequency of occurrence of congenital or acquired blood disorders which can be treated by Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantations HSCT and sometimes termed Bone Marrow Transplant or BMT is sufficiently large for a viable corp...

Clinical Trials

Moving Ahead with Intelligent Virtual Clinical Trials

Healthcare today faces extraordinary challenges posed by the COVID pandemic along with a rise in chronic disease burden worldwide an aging population and the growth of the middleclass Asian population


Continuous Manufacturing of Lipid-based Delivery Systems Using Melt Extrusion

Lipidbased Drug Delivery Systems LBDDS are wellestablished pharmaceutical delivery vehicles prepared by developing a stable dispersion of lipidoil and aqueous phase with the help of surfactants and cosolvents to reduce the interfacial tension between the two phases and create a stable biphasic system

Current Development and Future of Pharmaceutical 3D Printing

The worlds first D printer was invented in the s by using the method of stereolithography SLA After that different types of D printers were gradually coming on the scene


Industrial advancements

Conventional dosage forms and delivery systems present several challenges in treatment of diseases like poor bioavailability high dose frequent administration systemic adverse effects etc

Expert Talk

Pharma Focus Asia Patient-centric Drug Delivery

As more of the world reports better access to healthcare the demand for safe effective therapeutics of all kinds will continue to escalate This broad global acceptance of pharmaceutical based healthcare has accelerated the development of more sophisticated medications to treat the unmet needs of an increasing number of patients


Analytical Testing for Pharmaceutical Industry in this Digital Age

As the hotbed of technological developments Asia is riding the wave of global mega trends which include aging population digitalisation and the adoption of emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence AI and the Internet of Things IoT

Why Cell and Gene Contract Manufacturers Must Embrace Digitisation?

The cell and gene industry is growing at a staggering per cent CAGR and is estimated to reach US bn by A number of cell gene and stem cell therapy sponsors currently have novel drug substances and products and many rely on Contract Development Manufacturing Organizations CDMO to produce them with adherence to stringent regulatory cGMP conditions
