Pharma Focus Asia

Previous Issue - Issue 13


Issue 13 | 2010

Issue 13



Patent dispute settlement by Arbitration


IntroductionIntellectual Property Rights is one of most important property of almost all the domain globally New technologies in the field of life sciences have resulted in the increase of number of patent applications filed worldwide Exploitation protection and enforcement of patent rights at the international level are very crucial for all th...

Expert Talk

M&A in Pharma Expert Views

Sujay J Shetty, Associate Director, Pharma Life Sciences , Advisory Corporate Finance, PriceWaterhousecoopers, India

From and Indian biotech pharma companys pointofview what is better a partnership or an acquisitionIt is difficult to answer because it is different for each company It depends on the strategies and the objectives of the acquirer If they feel they have specific skills that they can tap into which can be better addressed in partnership for exampl...
